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terça-feira, 2 de abril de 2024

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Calixta Project

Sadly, i was drunk, and since there wasn't an ultrasound exam, the midwife found out that there was another baby in my grandmother's womb, Ana Calixta da Silva. Too late! The twins Yracy and Yracema were born. Due to childbirth complications, however, Yracema passed away moments later.

When Yracy had an year and a half, my grandmother went to wash some clothes in the river and took her teenage son to watch over her. In a certain moment, Ana looked at the direction she left her children and noticed that Yracy was missing.

"Son... Where's your sister?"

"Mom! I told you that i didn't want to look after a baby; so, i threw her in the river."

Ana, desperately, went to the place where it happened and begged God for a miracle. Then, she saw a bit of hair floating in the water seconds after she was done praying. It was my mother Yracy. (A testimony by Ana Calixta from Yracy Calixta).

Around 30 years later, in March 16, 1975, in the city of Governador Valadares, Minas Gerais, Brazil, Anália de Fátima Calixta da Silva was born. Fourth daughter of seven brothers, two of them deceased. Yracy Calixta da Silva - My mother, hard-working woman, but without proper education and poor - with five children to raise  - saw herself being a beggar, and had me and my brothers in the same situation for years.

Through divine providence, i was adopted at eight by a christian lady from the Seventh-day Adventist Church, Núbia Novais da Silva, and then i left her home when i was eighteen to marry Jonas Santos Prates.

Since i was little, i began dreaming of the day i'd get proper education, specialize, get a good job, my driver's license, get married, have two sons, help my family members and overcome life's obstacles. Even though i didn't receive a biological home love, through divine direction i made effort and studied, reaching a accountant and administration degree  - without fail  - and realized many of my dreams!

From beggar, i had the privilege to become a maid, babysitter, hairdresser, administrative secretary, intern for Banco do Brasil, parliamentary advisor, music director of IASD Vila Isa and Vila dos Montes, announcer for the Novo Tempo radio in Governador Valadares, host for the "De bem no mundo" program in TV Rio Doce/Cultura, friend, mother and wife!

The almighty Creator brought me to Him when i was six years old  - while i was fascinated through contemplation of His work in nature. Since then, i met Him and started loving Him.

When i was a teenager, i had a serious problem andtold him:

"Are you truly interested in my happiness on earth? I need you to be my father and not only a God that looks at me from up there".

He's been my Father and i've been his daughter through Creation, Redemption and Adoption. He watched over me and corrected me in the minimum details, with a steady hand, spiritually educating me in the Holy Spirit's "school"  - on His will.

Two months after i was married, while i was cleaning the house where we lived, i felt him in an intense way, the presence of the Holy Spirit by my side. It was so fast! That powerful energy made my heart run fast; my breathing got heavy and then i heard Him say:

- "I want you to work for me. Do you accept?"

It was an intense experience! And i felt obligated to answer straight away. Though He knew my answer, i felt him close to me, like if he was waiting for it. I got scared and confused by the thought that God wanted me preaching his ways in full time, because i had my projects and working in the holy harverst wasn't one of them. My husband and i had a room in our house reserved, which was consecrated to God as a chamber of praise and prayer. I went in there, got on my knees and, praying, i presented to God my decision. I told him:

- Lord, i understand that you chose me to work in your church. I thank thee, but i "don't want to!"

I had my dreams and projects well defined and wanted to take advantage of my youth (i was 19 years old) and fight to overcome the barriers and become successful in life. Before that ocurrence, i heard many preachings in the church, where preachers made an appeal for people to work for God as pastors, missionaries, singers; and had a strong impression that one of those invitations were for me, but i always repressed myself by saying that "this is a calling for men, and not for women". This time, God was making it clear that He was calling me. And when i understood that, i told him:

- "Let's make it this way: i work for me from monday to friday, and in saturdays and sundays i'll work for You and for evangelization. In the name of Jesus i thank thee for the invitation, but i don't want to evangelize! There are many prejudices in the church and in the world, and i know they won't believe me in the local church and i'll be persecuted and misinterpreted."

However, the Lord's plans will always work out. There's nothing in this world that'll be able to erase His projects. Just like i said "no" to his projects, he also said "no" to mine... and without his blessings and divine intervention, how could i realize them?

For eight long years, every single undertaking of mine got difficult, and the pains were many. I even invited my local pastor of the time, Jadson Almeida Rocha, to anoint and pray for me, for i was getting desperate with so many failures. In the end, when everything seemed like it would work out in my undertakings, something always went wrong and my expectations were thrown in the trash.

Through tears and despair, once again i asked  for God to tell me why i had so many defeats and frustrations.  "Call to me and I will answer you and tell you great and unsearchable things you do not know." (Jeremiah 33:3)

The Holy Spirit brought to me the memory of our conversation from eight years ago and the rebelious answer that i gave Him at that time.

"- Lord, i understand that you chose me to work in Thy harverst. I thank thee, but i don't want to!" With my heart broken and in tears, i got on my knees and started praying, putting an end to the rebellion of myself, to know, dream and generate the divine dreams and projects.

I started working for evangelization and almost every person that studied the Bible with us delivered themselves to Jesus Christ through baptism, letting Him change their lives. But, in my heart, i felt that God wanted something more for me. Again, i claimed for more knowledge and He let me know His projects that were too high for me, but possible for the omnipotent God.

Jesus looked at them and said, “With man this is impossible, but not with God; all things are possible with God.” (Mark 10:27)

“Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, before you were born I set you apart; I appointed you as a prophet to the nations.”

My calling consists on preaching our Lord's word through my mouth, written, singed, preached  - wherever He needs me and wherever He sends me. - Anália Calixta  - Priestess of the Creator, of adoration and praise.

The books of the Sanctified Jerusalem Association RF7 (Faithful Remnant of the Seventh Day) with Anália Calixta are:

01.    Com DNA restaurado

02.    Razão de sobreviver

03.    O céu em atividades

04.    Identidade nobre

05.    O caminho em que devo seguir

06.    Novos Salmos

07.    Novos Provérbios

08.    Novos Eclesiastes

09.    Sexo livre?

10.    Negócio de sucesso/casamento

11.    Música, o som do coração

12.    Os caminhos da oração

13.    A mulher sábia – empoderada

14.    Homem preparado – ajustado

15.    O ministério dos anjos

16.    O verdadeiro Armagedom, Criador versus Rebeldes

17.    O Histórico da morte

18.    Está escrito (retalhos)

19.    O início e o fim da depressão

Invitations to lectures with Anália Calixta for: women, young people, couples, church, week of prayer or musicals/concerts. Schedule Whattszap 55 (33) 99930 4455